
Showing posts from July, 2023
  Rare Earth Metals (Episode 3) – “The Empire Strikes Back!” Image Credit: SeekPNG In my previous two articles on this topic of Rare Earth Metals ( “The War for World Domination” dated July 24, 2022 and “The Race is Very Much On” dated May 1, 2023), I had focused on China and India , respectively. For those who missed them or wants a refresher, here are the links - and , respectively. I had concluded my previous article of this series (Episode 2) with “In my next article of this series (Episode 3), I plan to cover further developments in this sector which I will be tracking, with a focus on what the US has been planning and doing. Watch this space!” Well, I felt given the rapid pace at which this race is unfolding, it’s time to keep abreast with the momentum with a follow-on article to take stock on recent dev